Thursday, November 26, 2009

Velvet Thursday

part of Blue Week- I'll explain in an upcoming post. Happy Thanksgiving to all you (two) readers in cyberland. I'm gonna keep it short and sweet:

I: Cigarettes (not sure I'd still be alive right now if not for these little guys; ironic I know)
II: Coffee (includes all sources of that miracle drug caffeeeeeeeeeeeeene)
III: Sunrise. I've been night owl for too long. It's good to see a familiar face now and then.
IV: mi Familia. This includes all you BBH kids as well as true blood relatives and those that are married to them/around a lot/honorary relatives. (we're Korean so we're all kinda related anyway, and aren't we?)
V: D. part of all of the above, but she deserves her own spot.

Peace love and thank you thank you thank you

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