Sunday, December 13, 2009



We're moving (+said before), and it's going to be rough. However, it'll be easier than it could have been because it's only about 500 feet.

We're staying in The Loop. I never realized how important that was (to me) until we found a suitable apartment that we could afford. The amount of relief that I felt wasn't attributable just to the fact that we had found a place and could stop looking. More than that, it was a sense of belonging to a place and a feeling of being HOME.

314ever... but make mine EDWARDSville.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

it's beginning to look a lot like XMAS

which means it's hella crazy and messy around me. Besides being the second worst time of year to move (New Year's is #1), Xmas is also busy for the usual reasons. Thank D that it's only a few hundred feet instead of across town.

also: our Xmas shopping is pretty much finis, which is the equivalent of Tyson knocking Spinx out in the first minute of round one.


-and I promise, pictures are forthcoming.


Friday, December 4, 2009


I forgot how fun it is to play games. Video games. Also board games. And games you make up on the spot with friends. Drinking games, too... but I think that's what makes one forget about the other kinds...

game on.

+ should probably sleep more

Tuesday, December 1, 2009